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Posts Tagged ‘crema pasticcera’

  1. PANCAKES with custard

    31 January 2012 // flaviabi

    castagnole con la crema 005

    PANCAKES with custard
    150 gr. flour
    10 gr. of butter
    3 eggs
    250 gr. of water
    custard: 2 EGGS-2 AND A HALF SPOONS OF FLOUR-4 SPOONS OF SUGAR-500 ML. MILK –LEMON PEEL- A piece of cinnamon

    Put a saucepan with water and butter, when it begins to boil, add the flour
    all at once and stir vigorously until the mixture becomes a “ball” and is detaches from the edge. Cool the mixture and add one egg at a time, mixing well before adding the next. Take a spoonful of the mixture (I suggest you to use a small spoon, so you can eat more!) and fry in hot oil. Make the custard: Mix reds with a little ’milk, sugar and flour, add more milk, lemon peel and apiece of cinnamon, cook over medium heat stirring constantly with a wooden spoon. When pancakes are cold fill with cream and sprinkle with sugar.