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Posts Tagged ‘panna cucina’


    3 July 2011 // flaviabi

    Ingredients for 4 people
    350 gr. Penne
    200 gr. Heavy cream
    150 gr. bacon
    1 onion
    1 clove of garlic
    Double concentrated tomato
    1 glass of vodka
    50 gr. Grated Parmesan cheese

    In a frying pan with extra virgin olive oil, fry the finely chopped onion and a clove of garlic, when they are golden, add the diced bacon, when the bacon is crispy and add half a glass of vodka: Attention it will fire! ! Remove from heat and let it burn until the flame turnes off naturally. When it is off add the cream, two tablespoons of tomato paste, chili and season with salt..Stir well. Cook the pasta in salted water and when it is al dente, drain and finish cooking in vodka sauce. Add grated Parmesan cheese, mix well and make a little hole in the center of the pasta, put the vodka and make it flambé.