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‘I dolci’ Category


    20 January 2016 // flaviabi



    8 eggs – 8 tablespoons olive oil – 8 tablespoons sugar – 16 tablespoons of flour ( in this case I used rice flour) 1 small glass of anisette and / or rum 1 grated lemon peel 1 teaspoon baking powder honey and alchermes to garnish
    Work together the flour , baking powder , olive oil , lemon zest , sugar and liquor . Knead well for several minutes , to form a consistent dough. If necessary add a little ‘ flour or milk. .Let the mixture stand for about an hour . Heat a large pan with oil seeds . Take a spoonful of the mixture and dip it in hot oil . When they are puffed and golden extract them and place on a paper towel to dry. Season with alchermes or honey


    3 March 2013 // flaviabi

    la ricotta dispettosa 002

    Yesterday was Giovanna’s birthday and this was her cake!

    3 discs of sponge cake (recipe here)

    300 gr. Ricotta (cow)

    300 gr. Ricotta (sheep)

    200 gr. Icing sugar

    150 gr. bitter cocoa powder

    150 gr. cream

    Half a glass of brandy

    80 gr. pine nuts


    Sift the ricotta and mix them together, mixing well. Whip the cream with half the sugar ,when ready add it to the ricotta, adding the remaining sugar. Divide the mixture in half, on one add  cocoa powder and two tablespoons of brandy. Cut the sponge cake into three layers, brush the first layer with  the remaining brandy, spread the ricotta white, put the second layer and spread the brown ricotta,  add the third layer and spread with honey and sprinkle with pine nuts.


    // flaviabi


    75 gr. White flour

    1 pinch of salt

    5 eggs

    150 gr. sugar

    75 gr. Potato flour


    To prepare the sponge cake, divide the egg whites from the yolks putting them in two separate large bowls, start to beat with the help of electric whisk, egg yolks with half the sugar until the mixture is fluffy, puffy and light yellow.

    Beat now the egg whites until glossy and after about five minutes when they are already quite swollen and white, add the remaining sugar. Continue to whisk for a few minutes. Mix together the egg whites to the yolks and mix well. At this point add the flour and potato flour sifted together, pouring the mixture through a sieve to make sure that no lumps are formed.

    Mix everything with a wooden spoon until the mixture is smooth, being careful not to remove it. Grease and flour a round baking pan and pour the mixture.

    Take preheat the oven to 180 degrees and bake your sponge for at least 35-40 minutes without opening the oven in the first half hour of cooking, otherwise it collapses.pan-di-spagna


    25 February 2013 // flaviabi

    torta di pere e yogurt

    140 gr. flour

    150 gr. plain yogurt

    80 g sugar

    50 g butter

    2 eggs

    1 teaspoon of vanilla

    1 kg of pears

    100 gr. Chopped hazelnuts



    Pour into a bowl the flour, sugar, and egg yolks, when well fitted add egg whites, yogurt, vanilla and melted butter. Peel pears and cut into thin slices. and thinly sliced pears (ripe but firm) and add to the mixture. Also incorporates the finely chopped hazelnuts in a food processor (you can buy them already ground into flour). Pour the mixture into a cake tin (MD 24 cm) greased and floured and bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for 30 minutes. Sprinkle the pear cake with icing sugar and serve


    4 November 2012 // flaviabi


    This is a basic dough which can be used for lots of preparation: my pancakes, filled pancakes or whatever!

    1 kg. white flour

    1 lt beer

    oil to fry

    Mix when the flour with the beer to obtain a soft and elastic dough. Do not add any salt or sugar so you can use it for both solution. In my case I did serve it with honey and almonds as dessert, and with a marinade of cherries’ tomatoes with basilc garlic and chilly. Delicious!


    21 October 2012 // flaviabi

    yes……so long I did write on my blog, but cooking all day long (with lots of joy!), take lots of time.

    So I want to celebrate my coming back telling you about a delicious cake THE STONG CHOCOLATE , easy but absolutely fantastic. By the way it is without flour Sweety (my lovely daughter, allergic to gluten)!!

    6 eggs

    370 gr. bitter chocolate

    250 gr. sugar

    250 gr. butter

    150 ml water

    Wik the eggs with two spoons of sugar. Put the remaining sugar with water and boil. When boiling add the chopped chocolate and stir. Take out from the fire and add choppend butter. When perfectly melted add this mixture to eggs. Put evertything into a pan (better with paper and removable ring) and cook at 170° for 45 minutes.  Serve it cold!


    16 April 2012 // flaviabi

    foto apt Felcete 040

    Matteo (one of the mads of our Hosteria) decided to call it in an Italian way BRUNI’ and so it is the name!


    175 gr. butter
    2 tablespoons bitter cocoa powder
    200 gr. bitter chocolate
    100 gr. flour
    1 teaspoon baking powder
    60 gr. hazelnuts
    1 pinch of salt
    2 eggs
    200 gr. sugar
    Cut the chocolate into small pieces. Melt the butter over a gentle heat in a saucepan, add the chocolate cut into small pieces and cocoa powder and mix everything. Let it cool. Whip the eggs with the sugar using the mixer and add the melted butter with the chocolate, flour, eggs and coarsely chopped hazelnuts, and yeast.  Work it well. Pour the mixture into a mold (diam.25 cm) with parchment paper. Bake it for 35 minutes at 180 °. Let cool and cut into cubes. Serve it with cream Vin Santo (dessert sweet wine) ….. Good good very good!


    5 March 2012 // flaviabi

    chopping the chocolate

    Ingredients for 6-8 stencils: 2 eggs, 80 g sugar, 30 g of flour, 100 g of butter, 100 g of  dark chocolate.
    Put eggs and sugar in a bowl and mix well. Then add sifted flour, stirring constantly to mix well. Melt bain-marie butter and chocolate, let cool and add it to the egg and sugar previously obtained and stir well to mix. Butter the molds  and pour the mixture, and then bake at 200 ° C for about 10 minutes. Serve hot ….. The outside will be crispy and the center of the cake will be soft and creamy.

  9. Gluten free -Fried Carnival Ribbons

    4 February 2012 // flaviabi

    frappe senza glutine 004

    With these doses are approximately 70 frappe
    500 gr. gluten free flour
    70 gr. butter
    3 eggs plus 1 egg yolk
    1 pinch of salt
    80 gr. sugar
    Baking powder 6 g.
    1 sachet of vanilla
    5 tablespoons rum or other liquor
    Wildflower honey for dressing
    Oil for frying
    work the flour with  eggs, put a pinch of salt, sugar, baking powder, vanilla and butter at room temperature. Begin to work the dough and add the liqueur .Knead the mixture well until mixture is smooth and compact. Let stand one hour. Roll out the dough into a sheet as thin as possible (unfortunately with gluten free flour is not thin). Cut into strips, approximately 3 cm wide and 10 cm long. Heat the oil in a large skillet and fry frappe until golden brown . Dry the frappe and season with preheated honey .

  10. STRUFOLI honey balls

    3 February 2012 // flaviabi

    strufoli al miele 006

    Today I decide to use like this  my dose of calories for lunch,  ……
    My grandmother used to say that the real strufolo, is done without a ”cartina” (yeast) and when it fries it  turns on its own, without being touched … and it’s true!

    Ingredients for about 25 strufoli
    360 g of flour
    4 eggs
    4 tablespoons of sugar
    grated rind of one lemon
    two tablespoons of rum and two of anisette
    4 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
    frying oil to cook
    Wildflower honey for dressing

    Mix all ingredients well handling the dough patiently for at least 20 minutes. Let stand for 1 hour, then fry in hot oil until golden brown. Once dry frying, flavor with warmed honey.