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Posts Tagged ‘cicoria’

  1. Wild chicory and fava beans’ cream

    27 March 2017 // flaviabi

    cicoria e fave

    The original recipe wants dry fava beans, but I could not resist to the spring and I used fresh ones: so arm yourself with patience and start to peel!

    400 grams of fresh fava beans

    400 gr of wild chicory

    1 clove of garlic

    3 spring onions

    Chili pepper

    White wine

    In a pan with extra virgin olive oil, put fresh onions cut into strips, saute’ slightly and add the shelled beans. Season with salt and pepper and cook for about half an hour, adding hald glass of hite wine and  hot water if needed. Blanch the chicory in salted water, when it is cooked, drain and squeez. In a skillet with oil fry the garlic and saute’ the chicory, adding salt. Ready to bring to the table: blend half  beans, create a nest with the  chicory and put , in the center, the mashed beans, and whole beans to the side. In this case I added the Norcia ham, but also suggested  with marinated anchovies.


    8 January 2012 // flaviabi

    nadia 7 gennaio 2012 034

    Not having yet met to celebrate  2012, last night we organize ​​a dinner with my sweet friends and we cooked:
    rolls of surimi
    Galician octopus
    gnocchi with fish fillets
    gurnard soup
    …. And then: HAPPY NEW YEAR!


    25 September 2011 // flaviabi

    insalata di gamberi

    Ingredients for 4 people:
    30 shrimps
    1 clove of garlic
    A spoonful of brown sugar
    1 red onion
    Extra virgin olive oil
    Lemon juice
    black pepper
    Shell the shrimp. Cut the garlic into small pieces and brown it in a skillet with a tablespoon of olive oil, add the peeled shrimp and a teaspoon of brown sugar, and cook for a few minutes with  brilliant fire. In a bowl place a finely chopped red onion with few drops of lemon juice and a pinch of salt. Carefully wash the salad and mix it the basil and chives. Dress the salad  with extra virgin olive oil, salt, lemon juice and black pepper. Put the salad in a serving dish, put on the top shrimps and their liquid and onions.


    21 May 2011 // flaviabi

    tortinro di cicoria e pure di fave

    Ingredients (4 people):
    250 gr. Flour
    2 eggs

    25 gr. yeast
    30 gr. Grated pecorino cheese
    A pinch of salt
    Extra virgin olive oil
    1 clove of garlic
    2 glasses of water
    80 gr. Boiled wild chicory
    12 aluminum molds
    Stir the flour with the yolks of two eggs, add salt, grated pecorino cheese and the yeast. And two glasses of water. Whip the whites of two eggs and add it to the mixture, being careful to mix it gently. Let it rest for 30 minutes. In the meantime in a pan with olive oil brown the garlic, and add the chicory, with some salt and pepper. Butter the molds and put in it a spoon in the mixture, and a generous spoonful of chicory. Bake at 200 degrees for about 20 minutes. Serve it warm with fava beans cream. (You can find  the recipe at VERDURE category.)
    The filling can be done in many different ways: with cherry tomatoes, anchovies, capers and oregano, or with soft cheese and spicy salami, or with bits of ham and arugula. …

    Let’s  your imagination work on it!



    18 April 2011 // flaviabi


     La primavera …che stagione meravigliosa! E sono arrivate le fave fresche che ieri ho cucinato con i carciofi e la cicoria di campo!

    Ingredienti: (4 persone)

    300 gr. di carciofi

    300 gr. di fave fresche sgusciate

    100 gr. di pancetta a dadini

    un ciuffo di cicoria di campo

    una cipolla

    uno spicchio di aglio

    vino bianco




    erba cipollina

    un pomodoro fresco

    In una padella con olio di oliva, mettiamo la cipolla e l’aglio tagliati sottili e lasciamo imbiondire. Aggiungiamo le fave fresche ed i carciofi tagliati sottilissimi (ricordate di essere generose nella pulizia dei carciofi, facendo attenzione a togliere tutte le foglie esterne che sono dure). Allundate con un bicchiere di vino bianco e cominciare la cottura a fuoco lento. Dopo circa 10 minuti aggiungete la cicioria tagliata a pezzettini e  il pomodoro (anche lui tagliato in pezzetti piccolissimi) il prezzemolo e l’arba cipollina, il sale e il peperoncino, e continuare la cottura per circa 30 minuti, allungando con acqua calda.  In una padellina fate soffriggere la pancetta a dadini. Io l’aggiuungo solo al momento di servire perchè mi piace croccante.