30 December 2015 // flaviabi
For 4 persons
4 slices of bread (preferably two or three days old)
4 artichokes
4 eggs
White wine
Extra virgin olive oil
White flour
Wet the slides of bread into water and white wine, then pass them first into flour and then into beaten eggs and then fry, until crispy.
In a frying pan with olive oil and garlic, cook the artichokes cut into thin strips, add thyme and parsley, salt and pepper and cook adding some white wine. When almost cooked, add two beaten eggs and lemon juice. Do not coagulate the egg while cooking but let remain creamy and soft. Put this artichoke cream on fried bread and passed all in the oven (grill) for a few minutes .
Category Antipasti: vari | Tags: ARTICHOKES,carciofi,crostoni,crouton | No Comments
10 March 2012 // flaviabi
I love artichokes!
Ingredients per person
2 artichokes Cimaroli (big size)
150 gr. Chicken breast
Half lemon
Half glass of dry white wine
1 clove of garlic
Extra virgin olive oil
Clean 1 artichoke by removing the outer leaves, cut into thin slices and cook in a frying pan with oil and a clove of garlic. Add two tablespoons of wine and a bit’of water, salt and cook for 8-10 minutes. In the meanwhile cook the other artichoke WHOLE in water and wine for about 10 minutes. Cut the chicken into strips and fry in a frying pan with olive oil, season with salt and pepper, and put a little lemon juice. When well brown, add half of sliced artichokes and cook for another 2-3minutes. Blend he remaining half sliced artichokes with a tablespoon of hot water to create a paste. Our artichoke blanched in water and wine is now ready: drain well and open it into the center. Fill it with chicken and artichokes. In a serving bowl place the artichoke’s cream , and before you put above the stuffed artichokes, remove the outer leaves, taking care not to break it. A little olive oil and thinly sliced chives and ENJOY!
Category Senza categoria | Tags: ARTICHOKES,carciofi,CHICKEN,coppa,cup,pollo | No Comments
15 January 2012 // flaviabi
an artichoke per person
olive oil
wild mint
The best kind of artichokes to be prepared in this way are CIMAROLO (MAMMOLA is used in Rome), round and large, they are tender and have no hair inside. Do not remove the outer leaves, but with a sharp knife cut only the top of the artichoke, to obtain a conical shape. Keep them in water and lemon, and then, open the leaves and season with salt and pepper. Cook in a pan with plenty of hot olive oil, fry artichokes 7-8 minutes. Take them out and when they have cool slightly open them as to create a flower. Before serving, review the artichokes in boiling oil, holding them upside down, so that they cook well inside. Lay them on paper and drain excess oil. Sprinkle with salt and wild mint.
Category Le verdure | Tags: ARTICHOKES,carfioci | No Comments
9 January 2012 // flaviabi
Let’s begin the purifying phase …. without sadness, but with very good taste!
Ingredients for 4 people:
1 small cabbage
2 artichokes
1 onion
1 clove of garlic
A slice of bread
Cut the cabbage into thin strips and coat them in a small pan with the onion and garlic and a drizzle of oil. Add water and bring to boil. When it boils add the artichokes cut into thin slices and season with salt and pepper. Boil for 25 minutes and serve with toasted bread cut into cubes and sprinkle with parsley.
Category Primi piatti: le zuppe | Tags: ARTICHOKES,CABBAGE,verza,zuppa di verza e carciofi | 5 Comments
5 January 2012 // flaviabi
Ingredients for 4 people:
500 gr. cuttlefish
3 artichokes
1 clove of garlic
1 onion (or shallots)
Half a glass of white wine
50 gr. Of breadcrumbs
Extra virgin olive oil
Clean the artichokes from the out leaves and cut them into strips. Saute the onion and the garlic finely chopped in a pan with olive oil and add the artichokes, add white wine. After 10minutes of cooking add the parsley and take half of the artichokes. Cut them into small pieces with a knife and mix with the breadcrumbs. With this mixture fill the cuttlefish (Do not fill too full because it swell during cooking). Put the squid in a baking oven with olive oil, adding the remaining artichokes, sprinkle with salt and pepper and bake at 180 degrees for 20-25 minutes.
Category Secondi: pesce | Tags: ARTICHOKES,carciofi,CUTTLEFISH,SEPPIE,SEPPIE AI CARCIOFI | 2 Comments
3 November 2011 // flaviabi
for the dumplings – 100 g potato head, potato starch, salt
For the sauce: 1 artichoke per 2 people, 1 onion,1 glove of garlic, wild mint, a glass of white wine, salt, chili, grated parmigiano cheese.
Boil the potatoes in boiling water, when cooked peel and mash it.. Once crushed salt and add the starch to obtain a consistent mixture. Mix well, and then creat long strings about 3 cm in diameter. Remove the outer leaves of artichokes, trim the tips, and chop them into very thin slices (also using the stalks, peeled and diced). In a skillet with extra virgin olive oil, brown the onion and the garlic finely chopped, and add the artichokes. Let it cook for 15-20 minutes, adding wine, salt, pepper and mint. When cooked, take half it and blend. Boil the water with a handful of coarse salt. When it boils, put the gnocchi, when it rise are ready, drain them. Mix the dumplings with blended artichokes, add the grated Parmesan cheese. Put them in a baking dish, put over remaining artichokes and grill in the oven for a few minutes.
Category gli altri primi | Tags: ARTICHOKES,carciofi,DUMPLINGS,GNOCCHI,parmigiano | No Comments