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Posts Tagged ‘torta al testo’

  1. TORTA AL TESTO…. what a passion!

    30 March 2011 // flaviabi


    Questa ricettta la pubblico con piacere perchè Erica, la dolce bimba,  me la richiede, in memoria delle grandi mangiate fatte insieme alla Romita!

    500 gr. flour
    50 ml. Extra virgin olive oil
    60 gr. Pecorino cheese
    25 gr. yeast
    Water (as it may need)
    Place the flour as a fountain  and pour in the middle, oil, the pecorino  cheese cut with a knife and the yeast, already melted in half a glass of warm water. Mix until mixture is smooth and homogeneous. Let it rise for at least an hour, then roll out with rolling pin to obtain a circular sheet with a thickness of 2 cm and the diameter of the “testo” (testo is what you see in the picture: it is in our day-to-disc metal, but in the past was a volcanic rock that was heated on the fire in the fireplace). Roll out the dough on the stove heated above text, (if you do not have testo- and it may be possible!!-use a pan with oiled paper) practice holes with a fork and cook on both sides 5-7 minutes per side. When cooked, fill it as you like …. I do suggest you to fill it with ham (when it is still hot), or stewed meat, or rucola and cheese, or cooked vegetables (even better if it is wild chicory!)