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Posts Tagged ‘zucchina’

  1. THE COLD TOMATO SOUP… or “The gazpacho” my way

    25 May 2011 // flaviabi

    zuppa di pomodoro
    Because I do not use the pepper (I can not digest it) …. And I do not put the bread because I have people with celiac disease in my house!

    Ingredients (4 people):
    800 gr. Ripe tomatoes, 400 gr of “datterini” and 400 gr of “sammarzani”
    1 red onion (sweeter, colorful, and more everything!)
    1 clove of garlic
    1 celery stalk
    1 cucumber
    1 courgette
    Fresh basil
    A small cup of white wine vinegar
    A teaspoon of sugar
    Extra virgin olive oil
    a lot of CHILLI



    Peel the tomatoes, cut into pieces, removing the seeds. Put them in a bowl with all the other chopped vegetables (onion, courgette, cucumber, celery, garlic). Add vinegar, salt, sugar and chilli. Let  it rest in refrigerator for two hours. Now create using the masher (with a lot of patience). Do not use the blender to make the cream: it takes too much air and makes the foam! Once the cream is ready, take two tablespoons and add a bit ‘of water: Pour this mixture into ice cube trays and put them in the freezer. Leave the remaining soup in the fridge until is time to serve it. Before serving, put on two or three cubes, thinly sliced ​​chives, basil and a drizzle of olive oil.