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May, 2016


    31 May 2016 // flaviabi


    cannelloniIngredients for 4 people:

    300 gr. Of PASTA (see recipe here)

    150 gr. zucchini

    1 eggplant

    1 onion

    fresh ginger


    White wine

    Red peppers

    Olive oil



    For the fondue:



    soft goat cheese


    Cut the eggplant into slices ( 2 cm) and cook in oven at 200 degrees for about 10 minutes; remove from oven and still warm, season  with olive oil, salt and pepper, and let stand covering them with plastic wrap. In a frying pan with olive oil, sauté the onion with grated fresh ginger; pour in the white wine and add the courgettes. Cook on a brilliant fire because the zucchini has to remain crispy. When cooked, add the rosemary and salt and chilly- Blend half the zucchini and add the puree to the others. Grill the peppers  in oven  until they become black. At this point, peel them and cut them into strips. Season with olive oil and salt. Prepare the fondue in “bagnomaria”, mixing cream, goat cheese and parmigiano, up to compose a liquid sauce, if necessary, add hot water. In a pot with salted water cook the pasta rectangles for about 5 minutes, drain and then start to prepare the cannelloni. At the center of the rectangle put the slice of eggplant, a generous tablespoon of zucchini and roll. Bake at 180 degrees for 8-10 minutes until the cannelloni become crispy and serve with cheeses’ fondue and fillets of peppers.


    8 May 2016 // flaviabi


    paccheriSome guests at the Hosteria have particularly enjoyed the pasta we served , and then here we go with the recipe!

    For 4 people

    400 gr. Paccheri
    250 gr. Mixed ricotta cheese (cow and sheep)
    200 gr. Asparagus (in my case wild ones)
    80 gr. Of smoked scamorza cheese
    Basil (a lot!!!)
    Marinated anchovies
    White wine
    Extra virgin olive Oil
    Clean the asparagus until you reach the “tenacious”: cook in a pan with olive oil, garlic, salt and pepper and Cook, adding white wine. Tied together the hard parts of the asparagus and cook in salted water (add a glass of white wine!): you’ll use this water to boil the pasta. In the meanwhile the asparagus tips are cooked: Add ricotta cheese, thyme and basil, season with salt and pepper, add scamorza smoked cheese cut into small pieces and blend everything until you have created a cream … Suggestion: If the cream is too runny use the breadcrumbs. Boil the pasta 8 minutes and dry it, still hot (otherwise it will close) fill it with the cream of asparagus. Place them upright on a baking sheet and baked until golden brown. Create a sauce of basil, salt and olive oil working everything in a blender. At this point serve the pasta with basil sauce and marinated anchovies.