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Posts Tagged ‘prawns’


    17 November 2012 // flaviabi

    chitarra mazzancolle e crema di fave 009

    For 4 people:

    300 gr. of spaghetti (see the recipe here)

    200 gr. prawns

    150 gr. cherry tomatoes

    Half glass of white wine

    Two tablespoons of cognac

    150 gr. Of dried fava beans shelled

    Fennel seeds or better yet fresh fennel flowers

    1 clove of garlic

    1 shallot


    Extra virgin olive oil (the new one!!)


    If you want make spaghetti, otherwise buy it ….. With holy patience shell the prawns and set aside their heads. Blanch the cherry tomatoes in boiling water and peel them. In a pan, sauté the shallots finely chopped and crushed garlic, pour the white wine and add the cherry tomatoes cut into small pieces. Season with salt and pepper and cook for 8-10 minutes add water if necessary. In another deep pan, boil dried fava beans  in salted water and white wine until completely mashed, making sure to turn them to prevent them from sticking. At this point mix to obtain a homogeneous cream. Put the heads of the shrimp in a pan with water, salt and pepper and cook for 10 minutes, blend it and strain the mixture that you will add to the cooked cherry tomatoes. Another pan: put a little oil and cook the prawns for 3-4 minutes blending with cognac. We are ready to go: cook the pasta, and when ready sauté in the pan with cherry tomatoes and add the prawns. Put a generous tablespoon of cream of fava beans in the bottom of the pot, add the pasta and serve with a drizzle of olive oil and fennels seeds…. GOOD!

  2. FRIED prawns Skewers with corn and pine nuts

    27 July 2011 // flaviabi


    Ingredients for 4 people:
    500 gr. prawns
    1 egg white
    Corn flour
    Pine nuts
    frying oil
    Wooden sticks for skewers
    Cut the pine nuts and parsley with the crescent, mit  it to corn flour, seasoned with salt and chilli. Whisk the egg white. Shell the prawns and place  3 for each swab, put the skewers in the album and then in corn flour and fry for a few minutes in hot oil. Serve it with my  hot sauce.