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15 May 2015 // flaviabi // No Comments » Leave a comment

cheese cake al parmigianoto prepare 4 croutons:

4 slices of toast

150 gPhiladelphia cheese cream

80 gr. grated Parmigiano cheese

half  glass of Prosecco

1 zucchini

4-5 basil leaves

1 fennel

half lemon juice

extra virgin olive oil


black pepper

With a glass shape the bread and fry both sides few minutes in olive oil. Dry well. In a bowl put the Philadelphia cheese cream, a pinch of salt and pepper, Parmigiano and work well adding Prosecco until creamy. Cut the zucchini into cubes removing the pulp and dressed with oil and salt. In another bowl finely chopp fennel and season with lemon juice. Now spread this cream on fried croutons and add the vegetables and basil.

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