25 February 2013 // flaviabi
For 4 people:
200 gr. Spelt
1 courgette
white wine
1 potato
1 tomato
1 stalk of celery
1 onion
1 clove of garlic
Diced ham or bacon
grated pecorino cheese
If the spelt is hulled does not require soaking, otherwise it must be placed in water for 6 hours.
Cut the onion fine and fry in olive oil with garlic. Pour in the white wine. Add the spelt and a glass of water.Cut all the vegetables into small cubes and add them to the spelt keep on cooking adding water, salt and chili for about 80 minutes. When cooked, add a tablespoon of soy sauce and serve with diced ham and grated pecorino cheese.
Category Primi piatti: le zuppe | Tags: farro,SPELT,SPELT SOUP,ZUPPA DI FARRO | No Comments
5 November 2012 // flaviabi
250 gr. Peeled spelt
1 onion
1 glove of garlic
150 gr. Of sweet pecorino cheese
1 glass of white wine
4 filets of anchovies
In a pan put all vegetables to prepare a vegetable broth. In another large pan put olive oil, onion and garlic finely chopped and let it brown. Now add the white wine and anchovies and stir well until the anchovies are totally melted. Add the spelt and let it cook for ¾ minutes before adding the broth. Keep on adding the broth until the spelt is cooked. Finally add the pecorino in small cubes and the parsley finely chopped.
Category gli altri primi | Tags: farro,pecorino,PECORINO CHEESE,SPELT | No Comments