29 November 2012 // flaviabi
For 4 people:
4 slices of chicken breast
150 gr. Sausage
3 leeks
25 chestnuts
white wine
Two tablespoons of milk
Extra virgin olive oil
Boil chestnuts in salted water and when cooked, peel and mash. In a bowl mix sausage,chestnuts and milk until the mixture is creamy. Spread mixture on the chicken breast, cut the leeks into strips and place them in the center. Carefully roll up and secured with a toothpick. Sprinkle with salt, thyme, chives, salt and pepper and cook covered in the oven at 170 degrees for about 30 minutes. In the meanwhile carve the remaining chestnuts and cook in the oven until they are ready to be peeled. Add them to the chicken, with half glass of white wine and continue cooking for another 10 minutes
Category Secondi: carne | Tags: CASTAGNE,CHESTNUTS,CHIVES,pollo,PORRI | No Comments
14 October 2011 // flaviabi
… .. I’m glad the autumn comes: a season rich in the country and in the woods!
And today, when I saw porcini mushrooms, artichokes and chestnuts at the market I could not resist!!
Long life to THE SOUP!
Ingredients for 4 people:
3 artichokes
350 gr. Porcini mushrooms
20 chestnuts
1 potato
1 shallot
1 clove of garlic
1 glass of white wine
Extra virgin olive oil
black pepper
1 lt. Vegetable stock
While chestnuts are boiling in salted water, chop scallion and garlic very thin and let them fry in a pan, with olive oil, until brown. Take out outer leaves from artichokes (hard like a stone!!),And also remove any hair that may be in the middle, cut the upper part into thin strips and the stems into cubes, put them in water acidulated with the juice of a lemon. Add the artichokes to the shallot cook for 10 minutes (brilliant fire!), adding a white wine. Now chestnuts are boiled (about 30 minutes), we burnt our hands to peel them ,and add it to the artichokes, along with one diced potato. Add the broth and a pinch of salt and let cook for 30 minutes over low heat. Clean the mushrooms (without water but only with a toothbrush !), And cut into strips. Add them to the soup and let cook for 10 minutes (otherwise they will mash! ). This soup should be served warm with a drizzle of olive oil, sprinkle with black pepper and a few leaves of parsley. BUON APPETITO!
Category Primi piatti: le zuppe | Tags: ARTICHOCKS,CASTAGNE,MUSHROOMS,porcini,SCALOGNO,ZUPPA | No Comments