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Posts Tagged ‘ZUPPA’


    10 February 2012 // flaviabi

    ZUPPA di basmati, FAGIOLI E PATATE

    It’s cold, is snowing and I have to stay at home so I will cook a soup:

    Ingredients for 4 people:
    250 gr. Pinto beans (fresh or dried)
    100 grams of smoked bacon
    3 medium potatoes
    1 carrot
    1 onion
    1 clove of garlic
    1 tablespoon of tomato puree
    100 grams of Basmati rice
    4 leaves of sage
    vegetable broth
    Half a glass of white wine
    Keep 12 hours to soak dried beans and then cook in salted water for 40 minutes. If you use fresh ones you do not need this. Sauté the onion in oil, with the carrot and the ’garlic, add the bacon cut into small cubes and fry. Pour the white wine, add diced potatoes, a tablespoon of tomato puree and cook with plenty of broth for about 30 minutes. At this point add the beans with more broth, and rice. Take the time to cook the rice. Season with salt and serve with a drizzle of olive oil and a sprinkling of black pepper.




    4 January 2012 // flaviabi


    Let’s try to eat some soups…to forget what we had last days….

    Ingredients for 4 people: 400 gr. Parmigiano cheese, 200 gr. Two days bread, four eggs and a little ’of nutmeg.

    Basic rule was that the dose of Parmesan cheese was more abundant than that of the bread crumbs to make the soup tastier.
    Grate the dry bread, cheese and nutmeg. Mix everything  with the eggs in order to obtain a  well compacted mixture.
    The preparation of passatelli should be made using the  typical instrument, the so-called ”fe fer from the pasadell” but you can use the potatoes’ masher because it is much more comfortable . At this point, ”squeeze”  the mixture directly into the boiling broth , forming short spaghetti. Boil  few minutes and serve very hot


    21 November 2011 // flaviabi

    zuppa porri e patate 006

    Ingredients for 4 people:
    4 Potatoes
    4 Leeks
    a teaspoon of butter
    1 lt. vegetable broth
    olive oil
    Cut the leeks into slices and diced potatoes.
    Sauté in a pan with a curl of butter.
    After about 5 minutes of cooking, add water and broth, season with salt and cook for about 45 minutes.
    When cooked, blend about two ladles of soup and mix it with the rest in pieces. Serve hot with a drizzle of olive oil, chives and pepper


    17 October 2011 // flaviabi

    zuppa di zucca gialla 003

    Ingredients for 4 people:
    2 slices of yellow squash
    3 potatoes
    1 onion
    olive oil

    Take off the pumpkin seeds and cut the flesh into small pieces, cut  potatoes into cubes,
    onion into thin slices,  everything in a pot with enough water, add a pinch of salt  and boil for about 30 minutes.
    Blend all the soup until it becomes a smooth and serve it hot, with olive oil, sprinkle with pepper, grated nutmeg and small cubes of roasted bread.

  5. Artichokes, porcini mushrooms and chestnuts soup

    14 October 2011 // flaviabi

    zuppa carciofi,porcini e castagne 012

    … .. I’m glad the autumn comes: a season rich in the country and in the woods!
    And today, when I saw porcini mushrooms, artichokes and chestnuts at the market I could not resist!!
    Long life to THE SOUP!
    Ingredients for 4 people:
    3 artichokes
    350 gr. Porcini mushrooms
    20 chestnuts
    1 potato
    1 shallot
    1 clove of garlic
    1 glass of white wine
    Extra virgin olive oil
    black pepper
    1 lt. Vegetable stock
    While  chestnuts are boiling in salted water, chop scallion and garlic very thin and let them fry in a pan, with olive oil, until brown. Take out outer leaves from artichokes (hard like a stone!!),And also remove any hair that may be in the middle, cut the upper part into thin strips and the stems into cubes, put them in water acidulated with the juice of a lemon. Add the artichokes to the shallot cook for 10 minutes (brilliant fire!), adding a white wine. Now  chestnuts are boiled (about 30 minutes), we burnt our hands to peel them ,and add it to the artichokes, along with one diced potato. Add the broth and a pinch of salt and let cook for 30 minutes over low heat. Clean the mushrooms (without water but only with a toothbrush !), And cut into strips. Add them to the soup and let cook for 10 minutes (otherwise they will mash! ). This soup should be served warm with a drizzle of olive oil, sprinkle with black pepper and a few leaves of parsley. BUON APPETITO!