Posts Tagged ‘courgettes’
20 October 2011 // flaviabi
When we do the homemade pasta are always few little pieces left, twisted, strange and irregular, and we cook them anyway. And today we have made them with zucchini. Cut the zucchini into thin strips (removing the pulp), and cook the zucchini in a pan with onion and garlic, thinly sliced. Add white wine, and bake with brilliant fire. At this point put salt, pepper and oregano. Shake half of this courgettes, and when the pasta is almost cooked, finish the cooking into the squashed courgettes.Before serving put whole zucchini sticks on the top.Category Primi piatti: pasta | Tags: courgettes,maltagliati,zucchine,ZUCCHINI | No Comments
9 June 2011 // flaviabi
Ingredients (4 people):
500 gr.beef sirloin
4 courgettes
10 courgettes’ flowers
1 spring onion
marine salt
black pepper
extra vergin olive oil
balsamic vinegar
Dry in the oven the herbs, and when died mash them and mix well with the marine salt. Cut the sirloin in slices 2 cm high. and sprinkle with seasoned salt. In a pan with extra virgin olive oil, fry courgettes cut into sticks and the sliced onion.Add the flowers, put a drop of balsamic vinegar, turn off the heat and cover the pot. In a non-stick pan cook the sirloin 4 minutes per side. Now put the cooked sirloin over the courgettes and cook for 4 more minutes.
Category Secondi: carne | Tags: controfiletto,courgettes,fiori di zucca,sirloin | No Comments