5 November 2012 // flaviabi
To make pasta dough see here, to make the filling for 4 people:
250 gr, lentils from Castelluccio di Norcia
A glasso f white wine
Half onion
Half garlic
Lots of parsley
2 Bay leaves
2 sage leaves
1 truffle
Extra virgin olive oil
Honey aromatized with onion
Put lentils in water for 12 hours and then boil in water and wine for 1 hour adding onion, garlic, carrot, seller,bay leaves, sage, salt and chili. When ready mash it to make a cream. Add the breadcrumb to solidificate but please be careful not to make it too strong. Roll the pasta and prepare your ravioli. In a pan put olive oil and garlic and heat, add the grated truffle, chili and salt. When ravioli are cooked pass them into the pan, adding the parsley finely chopped. Serve your ravioli with a taste of honey aromatized with onion. DELICIOUS!!
Category Primi piatti: pasta | Tags: lenticchie,LENTILS,RAVIOLI,TARTUFO,TRUFFLE | No Comments
18 February 2012 // flaviabi
I am lucky to live in Umbria, because I can eat lentils from Castelluccio di Norcia: small, tasty, crunchy cooking ….. what a delight!
Ingredients for 4 people:
200 gr. Dried lentils from Castelluccio di Norcia
1 onion
2 bay leaves
1 clove of garlic
ginger in powder
A tablespoon of tomato paste
½ lt. Vegetable stock
4 potatoes
Let the lentils soak for 12 hours and then boil in salted water for 25 minutes. In the meantime, brown in oil onion and garlic finely chopped. Add tomato paste and a ladle of water and lentils previously boiled .Cook about 25 minutes, with bay leaves and ginger, adding broth of necessity. Season with salt and pepper. Boil potatoes in water when are cooked, cut into slices about 1 cm high, and arrange on a serving plate. Dress with extra virgin olive oil, salt and finely chopped parsley. When lentils are cooked, pour over the potatoes and serve hot.
Category Le verdure | Tags: GINGER,LENTILS,PMODORO,potataoes,zenzero | No Comments