I love artichokes!
Ingredients per person
2 artichokes Cimaroli (big size)
150 gr. Chicken breast
Half lemon
Half glass of dry white wine
1 clove of garlic
Extra virgin olive oil
Clean 1 artichoke by removing the outer leaves, cut into thin slices and cook in a frying pan with oil and a clove of garlic. Add two tablespoons of wine and a bit’of water, salt and cook for 8-10 minutes. In the meanwhile cook the other artichoke WHOLE in water and wine for about 10 minutes. Cut the chicken into strips and fry in a frying pan with olive oil, season with salt and pepper, and put a little lemon juice. When well brown, add half of sliced artichokes and cook for another 2-3minutes. Blend he remaining half sliced artichokes with a tablespoon of hot water to create a paste. Our artichoke blanched in water and wine is now ready: drain well and open it into the center. Fill it with chicken and artichokes. In a serving bowl place the artichoke’s cream , and before you put above the stuffed artichokes, remove the outer leaves, taking care not to break it. A little olive oil and thinly sliced chives and ENJOY!