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Posts Tagged ‘rucola’


    25 February 2013 // flaviabi


    salad Lettuce

    red chicory


    slice of bread

    Gorgonzola cheese

    2 oranges

    Dried berries

    Brown Sugar

    Chili powder



    grain of Almonds

    balsamic vinegar


    Soy sauce


    Wash salads carefully. Toast the slices of bread in the oven and when still warm, spread with gorgonzola cheese and then cut into cubes. Mix the salads. Add the basil and the parsley. Peel an orange  and cut into small cubes. Shredded orange peel and caramelize  in a pan with brown sugar and a sprinkling of chili. Squeeze the juice of the second orange and mix it with olive oil, soy sauce and a teaspoon of balsamic vinegar and season the salad with the dressing. Serve the salad garnished with bread with gorgonzola cheese, oranges into cubes, the grains of almonds, dried berries and candied orange filangeè.


    24 July 2011 // flaviabi

    pesto di zucchine e rucola

    Ingredients for 4 people:
    Fusilli 350 gr
    2 zucchini
    1 onion
    1 clove of garlic
    Half a glass of white wine
    A handful of almonds or pine nuts
    6-7 basil leaves
    1 bunch arugula
    100 gr. Grated Parmigiano cheese
    Extra virgin olive oil
    Wash the zucchini and grate it with large holes. In a pan fry with extra virgin olive oil, brown the garlic and the onion finely chopped, blend with white wine. Add grated zucchini, basil leaves, a pinch of salt, pepper and pine nuts / almonds, chopped very small. Cook for 5 minutes. Cook the pasta when al dente, finish the cooking in the zucchini sauce (two minutes), adding the grated Parmigiano cheese and arugula thinly sliced. Add a little oil before serving.
    WARNING: If you want to save this condiment in freezer, once ready the zucchini, blanched the arugula in boiling water for two minutes, before adding it to the sauce, otherwise it becomes bitter!


    4 May 2011 // flaviabi

    varie 3 007

    Delicious ….
    Ingredients (4 people):
    4 artichokes……. fresh – fresh- fresh
    1 lemon
    a tuft of arugula
    extra virgin olive oil
    black pepper
    1 teaspoon mustard
    balsamic vinegar
    100 grams of bacon (diced)
    Clean the artichokes by removing the outer leaves that are the hardest, and then….with holy patience slice them as thinly as possible. Soak them in water and lemon juice (to avoid they will turn into black). Dray them well (with a cloth if needed), and dress them with oil to which you add a tablespoon of mustard well mixed,, a pinch of salt, black pepper, juice of half lemon and the RUCOLA. In a non-stick frying pan brown the bacon , and put it on top of the artichoke salad. Season with a few drops of balsamic vinegar.

  4. Crostini di patate con insalata di polipo

    15 April 2011 // flaviabi

    crostini di patate con polipo e peperoni

    Ieri sera, a casa di Nadia, abbiamo cucinato TANTO pesce! Abbiamo cominciato con Crostini di patate con insalata di polipo.

    Ingredienti (4 persone) :

    3 patate

    olio per friggere

    1 polipo ( circa 400 gr.)






    peperone rosso


    Facciamo bollire in acqua le patate ( con la buccia) e portiamole a metà cottura. Quando sono cotte tagliamole a fette alte circa 1 cm e lasciamole freddare. Facciamo bollire il polipo in abbondante acqua ( con un pizzico di sale) per circa 40 minuti. Quando è tenero ( testiamolo con una forchetta) scoliamo e tagliamo a pezzetti piccoli piccoli. A questo punto condiamolo con il succo di mezza arancia e di mezzo liomne, l’aglio passato allo schiaccia aglio, la rucola, aggiustiamo di sale e peperoncino. Friggiamo le fette di patate in olio bollente fino alla doratura. Serviamo l’insalata di polipo sopra alle fette di patate.